TF ROS Course - Python

To finally understand TF and Robot State Publisher in ROS

TF ROS course

Course Summary

Course Overview

Imagine the following scenario: you have a robot with a laser mounted on it. In order to be able to use the laser data (ej. to detect an obstacle), the robot needs to know WHERE that laser is mounted in the robot. If you don't provide this information to the robot, when the laser detects that obstacle, how can the robot know where the object is? Is it in front of the robot? Or is it behind it?

Well, this relation between the different parts (frames) of a robot is what is handled by ROS TFs.

In this TF ROS 101 course, you will be able to understand how TF work by practicing in several hands-on exercises

What you will learn

What You Will Learn

Course Overview

Intro to TF

You will have a basic idea of what is in the course and what will you learn about TFs

TF Basics

Have a first contact with TFs and learn to use the tools to visualise them.

Publish & Subscribe to TF data

Learn how to Publish and subscribe to TF topics with a 3d version of turtlesim

Understanding Robot State Publisher & Joint State Publisher

Learn how to use the RobotStatePublisher to publish TF data of complex robots.

Understanding Static Transforms

Learn how to publish static transforms from a launch file and command line when the situation requires it.

PROJECT - Create your own robot with TF from scratch

Project where you will have to create your own robot that publishes its TF


Miguel Angel Rodriguez

Crashing engineering problems. Building solutions.

Miguel Angel Rodriguez

Robots used

3d Version of the Classical 2D TurtleSim robot

3d Version of the Classical 2D TurtleSim robot

box_bot robot

box_bot robot

Pi robot robot

Pi robot robot

Turtlebot robot

Turtlebot robot

Learning Path

ROS For Beginners

ROS For Beginners


Main Links