@romzn (Roman Baur) - Germany, Stuttgart

's skills

's Work Experience

Festo SE & Co. KG


From 2020-09-01 to 2021-10-01

I designed a modular end-effector with an integrated depth camera. The goal was it to grasp autonomously different objects in a scene. For that i integrated a grasp neural network in ROS1. Some Core functionalities can be accessed through a webapp based on reactjs and roslibjs.

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG


From 2019-03-01 to 2019-08-31

I first had to build an Ubuntu-Image for armhf architecture. At that time there was no official version available. After successfull boot, ROS was installed and the necessary Pilz packages to control their robot arm. Then i captured rosbags and evaluated the reaction time of the system. It was pretty high and had to figure out why. The main reason was collision detection in moveit. I suggest to rather use geometric primitives instead of mesh files for the collision checks.

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